“Sara Oppenheim-Somerville has been a Consulting Hypnotist for over 10 years and we've always felt very comfortable referring our Westchester County hypnosis clients to her office from ours. She has helped dozens of our clients, and we are very happy to know that she is there for them. Sara is also recognized by her peers, by being in the Health Life Center's Hypnosis Hall of Fame.”
Mark Barrus, Director
"Since coming to Sara to work on my music performance anxiety, I have played the best audition I have ever played, where I felt relaxed, free, clear headed and focused, to the point that I actually enjoyed the experience — a first for me. Not only am I able to manage my nerves better in my performances, but the overall level of daily anxiety has reduced dramatically." —J.C. (Professional Musician)
"Thank you for your help. My outlook on the issues we worked on together has already changed for the better... they seem to have just disappeared. All worries are gone." —Josette D.
"Our son suffered from a severe cough tic that kept him out of school for seven weeks. Although he was under the care of several specialists, Sara Oppenheim cured him of the tic in one session." —Paula and Eric Katz
"I've been so pleased with the outcome of our work — not only did I achieve what I'd hoped for, but have also experienced benefits that I didn't expect. I am feeling more comfortable than ever just "being" whoever/however I am at any given moment. Thank you!" —Wendy H.
"Sara is a healer. Working with her I have been able to work through emotional blockages and grief. I feel more empowered and confident... I wish I had started working with her earlier!"
—Louise M.
Fear of Flying
"For over 20 years, I suffered from a debilitating fear of flying that
not only prevented me from having fun vacations with my family, but also
forced me many times to pass upgood career opportunities simply to avoid a plane
ride. But after just a couple of sessions with Sara, I was able last
month to go on a trip to Europe and actually ENJOY the flight. It was really
amazing. Thank you so much Sara for freeing me from my fears, and for making life more enjoyable and fun.I strongly recommend these sessions
for anybody who wants to be set free." —H.T.
"If the plane had flown to India...it would have been fine. It was totally enjoyable including all of the bumps, noises, the take off and the landing. I was completely cool throughout the entire trip. THANK YOU!!! I'll be in the air again next month to Colorado and just booked a flight to Florida for November." —Nick C.
"I just had my best 9 hole score ever, a 36. And if it didn’t start raining cats and dogs as I was standing over an eagle putt, it would have been 2-3 strokes better. I can see myself shooting in the 70’s any day now." —J.C.
“I realized with a start and a deep rush of emotion, that it has been 4 years since I quit smoking — thanks to your artful hypnosis. Thank you for ushering me into the best part of my life. I have never had more health and stamina!” —Carol W.
“You hypnotized me a month ago to quit smoking, and it’s totally worked! I live by myself, and could smoke anytime I want, but I don’t have any urge to. I am now a non-smoker. Thank you so much. It was a great experience.” —Katherine Whiteside.
"I find myself not thinking about it at all. It’s just a distant memory, and I never experienced any withdrawal symptoms." —Anon.
"First let me say thank you for changing my wife Lillian's life from someone who smoked in the area of 40 years and stopped in a 45 minute session. It has changed our lives dramatically. First of all her health and attitude has changed. She can be such a special person and a ton of fun to be around but because of her life style we couldn't go anywhere. We would go to the movies and after 20 minutes she was making excuses to get up so she could sneak a puff or two and the list goes on. In short her attitude about herself has made her a better companion for me." —Wayne S.
"I was a client of yours last year and I'm proud to say I'm still a nonsmoker!! And it's been a cinch. Truly a miracle." —Stephanie S.
Test Anxiety
"Thank you very much. I finally passed the Bar!" —Sumara A.
“I got a 96 on the exam and the teacher wanted to know how come I was so calm this time.” —Marcus F.
Weight Loss
Sara's Weight Loss work featured in InTown Westchester Magazine:
For Peekskill's Diane Brewer-Collier, the key to losing 35 pounds (and counting) was meeting with Sara Oppenheim, the hypnotherapist on staff at Hudson Valley Hospital Center's Wellness Club in Cortlandt Manor, who, in just two sessions....Click here for full article.
"I’m now in my "skinny" clothes and feeling WONDERFUL about myself for my accomplishments, thanks to YOU!" —Sharon G., RN
"I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for all you’ve done for me on a daily basis. Four months ago I was tipping the scales at 329 pounds, about a month later we began your hypnosis process and now I am down to 279 pounds, a loss of fifty pounds and I still eat all my favorite foods. My clothing is beginning to hang on me and I will soon have to purchase a new wardrobe. Thank You Very Much Sara."
—Rudy J.
"I am thrilled with the results of the hypnosis. While not losing weight every week, I have kept a steady down trend and am now 20 pounds under where I was when we met – and the great thing is that I am eating whatever and whenever I want. I don’t feel that I am on a diet. Of course I do give some thought to what I eat, but I find I am generally happy with smaller portions and save cakes and cookies for what I define as a special occasion (sometimes just because I really feel like it!). The main thing is that I do not feel deprived in any way. I have also got back into a full exercise program of aerobic and strength training so am feeling pretty good about myself. So, a very big thank you to you." —Susan C.
Virtual Gastric Band
"Thank you for our session on keeping the weight off for life, I feel for the first time that I will keep it off for life. I lost 76 pounds since our first session last April and just feel like a new person. I'm so grateful that your work helped me to keep my agreement I made with my self about losing the weight!" —J.D.